In 2010, Guildford West Public School implemented and launched their "On Track" Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS) using a whole school systems approach to address problem behaviour and reduce its effects on student outcomes and on the school community as a whole. PBIS encourages positive behaviour from students, which has been shown to improve their self-concept and motivation to learn.
The theme for "On Track" was chosen for many reasons. Firstly, the words "On Track" represent being on the right track for learning and positive behaviour. Also, the school is close to the local bike track where many students use this facility to ride their bikes and scooters and therefore are, "On Track". Guildford West's theme of being "On Track" is used throughout the classrooms, playgrounds, assembly areas and also for out of school participation in sport, gifted and talented groups, debating, PSSA, excursions and other events within and outside of the school.